
An Experiment Harness and Campaign Management System for In Situ Data Management


Node Layout

Node Layout is a unique feature of Cheetah that allows users to obtain fine-grained process placement on to supported machines. It allows pinning MPI ranks to specified cores and GPUs of a target system. On some machines such as the Titan supercomputer at ORNL, it was a simple ranks-per-node, whereas on some machines such as Summit, more complex mapping can be achieved. This mapping can be obtained by setting the node layout property in a Sweep object.

For machines with complex process mapping support, the Node Layout is an object describing a compute node of the system. For the Summit supercomputer, the SummitNode() object represents a compute node.


Due to the highly heterogeneous architecture of the Summit supercomputer and the associated jsrun utility to run jobs, running Cheetah on Summit mandates using the node-layout property of a Sweep where users have to map processes to resources on a node.

A detailed description of the architecture of Summit can be found at the ORNL Summit User Guide.

Architecture of a Summit Node

jsrun allows sharing a compute node between multiple applications; however, orchestrating such a workflow can be difficult. Thus, we present the SummitNode object that allows users to explicitly map application ranks to resources.

The SummitNode object describes the architecture of a compute node of Summit. It must be used to specify the process distribution onto the compute nodes on Summit. Every application in the workflow must be specified on a SummitNode. As Summit allows placing ranks from different applications on to the same compute node, two node configurations are possible: 1) applications share compute nodes, 2) applications reside on separate nodes.

To place application ranks on separate nodes, create a SummitNode object for each application. The snippet below shows how to map ranks to resources of a SummitNode. The format is node.resource[index] = 'app_handle:rank_id', where resource can either be 'cpu' or 'gpu'. Note that multiple CPUs can be mapped to a single rank, whereas multiple GPUs can be mapped to multiple ranks. That is, a CPU core can only be mapped to a single application rank, whereas a GPU can be mapped to multiple ranks from multiple applications. If a rank if mapped to multiple cores, the cores must be consecutive in order.

Separate Nodes for separate applications

The snippet below maps ranks from different applications on to separate compute nodes.

sim_node = SummitNode()

# Use 40 cores of the node
for i in range(40):
    sim_node.cpu[i] = 'simulation:{}'.format(i)

# On a separate node object, spawn one rank of the analysis
analysis_node = SummitNode()
analysis_node.cpu[0] = 'analysis:0'
analysis_node.gpu[0] = 'analysis:0'

# Create the node layout with the two separate node objects
node_layout = [sim_node, analysis_node]

Cheetah utilizes this node layout and calculates the total number of nodes required depending on the nprocs property for the applications.

Node Sharing

To create a shared node layout where MPI ranks from multiple applications share a node, place multiple applications on the same SummitNode object.

shared_node = SummitNode()

# Simulation ranks
for i in range(8):
    shared_node.cpu[i] = 'S:'.format(i)
for i in range(8):
    shared_node.cpu[21+i] = 'S:'.format(8+i)

# Analysis ranks
for i in range(4):
    shared_node.cpu[8+i] = 'A:'.format(i)
for i in range(4):
    shared_node.cpu[21+8+i] = 'A:'.format(4+i)

# Create a node layout with the same shared node object
node_layout = [shared_node]

The above snippet generates the following mapping on the compute node.

Node Sharing on Summit

Cheetah utilizes the node layout and calculates the total number of nodes required depending on the nprocs property for the applications.

Examples using the Node Layout for Summit can be seen here: 02, 03, 04.
